International Day for the Eradication of Poverty -2016

October 21, 2016

The students of grade x organised an assembly to bring awareness regarding poverty eradication in India. They promised to fight against hunger, inequality, discrimination, lack of health services, education and will continue to be at the forefront.

Parag. P. Shah delivered a speech regarding poverty in India, measures taken by the government to support the needy and also added the role of every individual to support people to remove this evil aspect from our society.

The students joined together and promised to share and care for the people who require their patronage.

“Joy of giving” ….. “A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal”

The students took resolution to spread awareness in the school campus pertaining to the theme “Joy of Giving”. Most of the students contributed in the form of notebooks, stationery, story books and clothes. It was decided to offer these to the ‘families for children” organisation run for helping women and children in India.