New Year Assembly 2020

January 02, 2020

The New Year Assembly was initiated by the students of Grade X on January 2nd 2020.The assembly began with a prayer song, followed by stimulating thoughts by various students. Twinkle Jain shared a poem welcoming the New Yearand Shreshthy R.Patel, shared the time reflection of the Year 2019.
Mrs Jayalakshmishared a story about how temper can ruin a beautiful life or relationship. She sharedfewstrategies about how to control anger. Principal Mrs.GeethaRaj wished the students A Happy New Year 2020.She stimulated the young minds to be responsible and find goodness in oneself. She insisted students to inculcate the habit of maintaining records ofgood deeds they performed each day and improvise the weaker areas. She motivated the students to be fearless and control anger to lead a happy life. The assembly concluded with the singing of the National Anthem.