July 31, 2023

Kikani Vidhya Mandir

31st July 2023
Grade – 3

Place of Visit- Children’s Traffic Park

One of the intentions of the traffic park is to improve awareness of traffic safety among school-aged children. Many traffic parks enable children to gain hands-on experience crossing streets and with bicycle or other pedestrian safety challenges in a highly controlled environment devoid of actual motor vehicles. Typically, Traffic Parks are scaled-down versions of Real Street Networks, with the lane and street-width proportional to the smaller vehicles. Traffic Parks are attractions created for children, to promote awareness of road safety and traffic, with loads of fun.

Kikani Vidhya Mandir organized a trip to Children’s Traffic Park for students of Grade 2 on 31st July 2023. A theory class was conducted for the students on traffic rules and regulations. Later, they were taught about the precautions to be taken while riding on school buses. The Traffic Park is equipped with traffic signals, road signs and road crossing thus the children enjoyed learning about various aspects of road safety in a play way method. Children were also taught about the safety measures to be adopted by citizens to keep themselves safe on the roads. Overall it was a great learning experience for our students.