The Grade 7 students organized an inspiring assembly on Guru Purnima, highlighting the profound impact of a Guru on an individual’s life.

The assembly commenced with a prayer, followed by the Thought for the Day, shared in both English and Hindi. The news was briefed, keeping everyone informed of current events.

A compelling speech was delivered on the significance of Guru Purnima, emphasizing the invaluable role of Gurus in shaping our lives. As Swami Vivekananda said, “The Guru is the bright mask which God wears in order to come to us.”

A heartfelt song dedicated to the Gurus in Hindi resonated through the hall, expressing deep reverence and gratitude. Following this, a captivating role play in Tamil showcased renowned Gurus from historical periods, imparting a powerful message of wisdom and guidance.

The students expressed their sincere appreciation to their mentors, acknowledging their unwavering support and guidance. The assembly concluded with the National Anthem, instilling a sense of pride and unity among all.

As the great philosopher Plato once said, “A good teacher does not teach, he guides and inspires.”