“TVISHA” the lighting ceremony at Kikani Vidya Mandir spread mystic into everyone who witnessed it. The morning began with the students taking blessings from the almighty. Soon the auditorium echoed with divine chants where, the Correspondent Sir, Management of KVM, Principal, Vice Principal, AO Sir, Chief Guest, Parents, Faculties and students gathered for the transcendent event. Lead teacher, Mrs. Jayalakshmi welcomed the gathering.
Chief guest along with other dignitaries lit the mother lamp from where the students received light to their lamps and pledged to uphold the values learnt at KVM always in their hearts and to uphold the name of the esteemed institution high. The most awaited annual magazine, INSPERIA volume 12 was released.
Principal Mrs.Geetha Raj addressed the gathering where she lauded the dedication and integrity of students. She advised the children to take challenges and to always follow one’s heart to remain happy and to strike a balance between success and happiness.
The Correspondent Mr. Tushar R Kikani, in his inspiring speech insisted upon confidence, guided the students to have alternate plans to shift to in case Plan A doesn’t work. Citing the example of Sachin Tendulkar, he stressed upon following one’s passion dedicatedly. To find out one’s uniqueness and empower it, was a major take away from his speech. He also counseled the students to be self motivated and use the social media as a positive trigger of inspiration.
The Chief Guest Mr. V T Amarnath, the proprietor of The South Indian Coffee House who is an engineer and also holds an MBA degree with experience with many companies, started his address with a poem of Bharathiar, which emphasizes the importance of the power of one’s inner light. He echoed the importance of dedication to one’s passion. His words guided children to conquer internal distractions.
Grade 12 students Vandana, Krishna Vishakh and Manisha Choudhary shared their memories of school life, through their words of respect and gratitude for KVM and their teachers. Every student returned with abundant blessings for succeeding in the upcoming examinations and shape their future well.
Mrs.Pradeepa delivered the vote of thanks. The ceremony came to an end with National Anthem.