June 05, 2024

On the occasion of World Environment Day, Kikani Vidhya Mandir School organized a series of engaging and educational activities to raise environmental awareness among students and promote sustainability. This report provides a detailed account of these activities and their impact on students and the school community.
The theme “Our Land Our Future” encapsulates the interconnectedness between the environment, land resources, and the future well-being of humanity. In this report, we delve into the significance of this theme, its implications, and the actions required to safeguard our land for a sustainable future.
The school works through all means to create conducive environment for creating environmental awareness and sustainability of resources among students and neighbourhood through distinctive approach. The school has been focusing on environment and sustainable development by adopting two Best Practices and implementation of project to create awareness through the following activities
 Making of seed balls
 Making of bird feeder
 Nature college
 Making of Nest
 Wealth out of waste
 Craft using plastic bottle
 Poster making with message on the theme & T-Shirt tote bag
 Waste water treatment
 Global warming & Greenhouse effect
 Kikani Vidhya Mandir, organises sapling planting event every year. The main purpose was to complete the planting of 80 saplings as a part of the Environment Day celebrations.
 Around 80 saplings were planted in our school surrounding to create awareness about saving trees. Various types of tree saplings, like peepal, cinnamon, neem, and eucalyptus, were planted in the school premises.
 One of the gardening world’s newer trends is the Vertical Garden. It is a system, which allows plants to grow on walls and other surfaces. Vertical gardens transform drab concrete walls into a refuge for biodiversity.
 Vertical gardens have several positive environmental impacts. Vertical gardens bring numerous benefits to our schools. Growing plants on vertical surfaces like walls or fences serve as dynamic teaching tools while contributing to a healthier, greener environment.
 Implementing vertical gardens in schools offers a multitude of benefits, transforming the learning environment both visually and educationally. Our sustainable, recycled plastic planters can be the perfect start to this green journey.

 Individuals play a crucial role in driving environmental change through their everyday choices and behaviours. On World Environment Day, many people pledge to adopt more sustainable lifestyles by reducing their energy consumption, minimizing waste, and supporting environment friendly products and services.
 Individuals may also commit to advocating for environmental protection, volunteering for conservation projects, and raising awareness about pressing environmental issues within their communities.
 World Environment Day serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need to protect our planet and build a more sustainable future for generations to come. The pledges taken on this day reflect a shared commitment to environmental stewardship and provide a roadmap for collective action at all levels of society.
 By honouring these pledges and working together to address environmental challenges, we can create a healthier and a more resilient planet for current and future generations.
World Environment Day at Kikani Vidhya Mandir School was a resounding success, with students actively participating in various activities that enhanced their environmental knowledge and fostered a sense of responsibility towards the planet. The Ecofriendly activities, Plant sapling, Pledge on Green Commitment, and Vertical plant gardening provided valuable learning experiences and promoted sustainable practices within the school community. Let us be aware and support in making these activities impactful and memorable.